Picking Upon Logistics Industry’s Cautious Optimism for 2025

Trimble has officially published results from annual Transportation Pulse Report by Transporeon, a Trimble...

A Data Intelligence Headway to Better Assess the Risks Throughout Your Supply Chain

Interos Inc., a global leader in AI-powered supply chain risk intelligence, has officially announced...

Bringing Forth a Unique Dataset to Aid the Case of All Future Mapping Efforts

The Overture Maps Foundation, a collaborative effort to enable current and next-generation interoperable open...

Serving Up a Multi-Solution Showcase to Indicate a Brighter Future for SDVs

Sonatus, a global leader in software-defined vehicle (SDV) technologies, is officially set to showcase,...

Leveraging Unprecedented Intelligence in the Face of Ongoing Freight Fraud Crisis

Overhaul, a global leader of active supply chain risk management and intelligence,...

Predicting the Potential Detriments for US’ Supply Chain in 2025, a global leader in AI-powered Supply Chain Risk Intelligence, has officially...

An AI-driven Headway to Help You Spring Up a Robust Logistics Operation

Blue Yonder, the world leader in digital supply chain transformation, has officially...

Powering Up Your Fleet with a Unprecedented Brand of Charging Solutions

Autel Energy, a trusted pioneer in electric vehicle (EV) charging technology, has...


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Logistics Insights

Tracing Industry-wide Impact of Fleet Technologies in Enhancing the Logistics Operation

Verizon Connect has officially published the results from its fifth annual Fleet Technology Trends Report, which was prepared in collaboration with Bobit Business Media. Based on responses from...

Recognizing the Post-Purchase Stronghold in Today’s e-Commerce Industry

Outerspace, the leading high-touch operations partner for high-growth consumer brands, has officially published its latest report named the State of Brand Loyalty: How the Post-Purchase Experience Influences...

Unpacking the Changed Supply Chain Dynamics to Better Understand the Opportunity at Hand

The 2025 Third-Party Logistics Study, spearheaded by Dr. C. John Langley of Penn State University and developed in collaboration with NTT DATA and Penske Logistics, has officially...

Picking on C-suite’s Supply Chain Complacency in the Post-Pandemic Era

Ernst & Young LLP has officially published results from its latest study, where it highlights growing C-suite complacency on supply chain issues. Named as EY 2024 Supply...

Reaching Deeper into Your Freight and Wider Transportation Mechanism

Loadsmart, a next-gen logistics solutions provider, has officially announced the launch of FreightIntel AI, which happens to be an advanced freight analytics and intelligence solution capable of...

A Data-centered Breakthrough to Take US’ Rail Network Beyond its Current Means

RailPulse, formed by a coalition of rail industry leaders, has officially announced the launch of its new technology infrastructure, which is designed to provide near real-time data...

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